This time next week, our little boy will be nearing the end of his first week at his new school. I wonder what he'll be telling us. His first week is only short - just the three sleeps, plus he knows a few of the other new boys.
Until then, there is small mountain of things to do. I guess they fall into two distinct areas.
1. Material
This mountain is easy to climb. Mostly it's about ticking off items on lists, lists of stuff he has to take - clothes, sleeping and washing stuff. This week we've been stitching name labels to everything that moves. There's still more to do and I'm beginning to wonder if the 50 I ordered wil be enough(!)
Then there's getting all this stuff to the school itself on Tuesday (we're co-ordinating with the other chorister-boarders so the lads )and parents!) can support each other from the get-go.
2. Human
Not so easy this one. Well maybe it will be easy - who knows. Mostly this is about preparing Tom as best we all can. Then not forgetting to prepare ourselves and his sister, and of course the extended family. Lots of folks but mainly the boy himself.
Ever since the voice and academic tests at the beginning of the year, we've been trying slowly but surely to give Tom the confidence that he can do this and the ownership of the decision. Living away from home will be a big thing for him (something about boys and first-borns?).
At the end of the day, we're all happy to be 'giving this a go'. If it doesn't work out - we don't believe we'll have lost anything; and there's lots to gain.
On with the mountains...