A few things have come to light this weekend after a whole bunch of emailing back and forth from Chorister Parents (CPs) . I reckon this has been stimulated by two key events.
Firstly there's been a major piece of news about a key member of staff.
Secondly it's half term and for us probationer parents that's meant a bit of a shake-down as we take stock of the experience so far.
So, what have we learned?
1. There is an emerging and overwhelming desire for the CPs to get together to capture and share information and support each other. Both officially - with the blessing of school and Dean; and unofficially - that is, socially (and proximity to the school should not be a deciding factor).
2. There are a great many historical reasons why things are the way they are and indeed many aspects of the CP / School / Cathedral relationship that remain special and well worth preserving; but that they might still be improved.
3. That the CPs have many different and disparate views but share a desire for their boys to prosper in the school's special atmosphere - after all that's why we're here.
4. That all the staff, including residential and academic do a wonderful job.
5. Terminology:
'Can' is Cantoris, 'Dec' is Decani, the two sides of the quire where the
choir sit. Decani (Dec) is the south side where the Dean sits and Cantoris (Can) is
the north side. In other words, looking at the altar, Dec is on the
right and Can on the left. Traditionally Dec is 1st treble and Can 2nd
treble as is music parts if the top part spilts into two. Chorister parents have seat reserved on Can (so they can see their boys on Dec) but there is no vice versa.
'Peris' are the peripatetic music staff; ie. instrumental teachers.
6. I also heard from Tom that he reckons he's as good as 'Head Probationer'. On further interrogation, this is clearly untrue. The tyke.