Story date: September 6 2009.
This was a truly awesome service, very beautiful and full of emotion. (tip: make sure you get there early for a front row seat). this was pretty much how it went.
1. The choir process in as normal, but our three Probationers wait behind in the south aisle, still only in their cassocks (the long black robe) and ruff.
2. The service starts as normal; but today not only are the probationers installed up but there is also the installation of the new headmaster, which starts proceedings.
3. With the headmaster duly installed and after a Psalm and the first lesson, the boys process in and one by one are presented by the new head to the Dean who takes them by the hand and admits them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
"The Lord preserve your going out and your coming in: from this time forth for ever more. Amen"
4. Then I think the most touching part; the Choir master hands a surplice to the head chorister who 'vests the new Choristers in the surplices'. Wonderful, the head chorister symbolically helping his new team members with their dress of office.
After the service we had the all too rare opportunity to take photos of our boys on the Cathedral steps (tip: if you ever get the hint of such an opportunity, be prepared and grasp it firmly!). Then a brief reception in part of the crypt which was a lovely opportunity to chat with some of the Cathedral staff, Choirmaster and even Wandsmen... but by this time Tom just wanted to go home; it had been a really heavy week and he was exhausted.